CloudCover™ CyberSafety Platform™
AI-SASE Automated Threat Prevention
The CloudCover CyberSafety Platform™
Risk Aware — Network security threat identified at microsecond.
Risk Control — Zero-day neutralized with near perfect accuracy.
Risk Transfer — Cyber insured AI-generative Firewall Everywhere™
U.S. infrastructure has been under serious attack all 2023-24.
• Serious impacts from the Microsoft 365 office suite interruptions were also reported peaking at 18,000 outage problems reports daily in 2023.
• Twitter, Microsoft said Outlook, Teams, SharePoint Online and OneDrive for Business are continously affected daily.
• Attacks continue throughout healthcare markets including the United Health Group that reported the most expansive data breaches ever concerning personal information.
CloudCover protected customers who never experienced zero-day attacks, including Solar Winds or the Log4j 2021 breach. How?
CloudCover defends against “never-before-seen” zero-day events automatically with near perfect zero-false positive results operating at millisecond speed. Thus, the fastest most precise automated managed threat prevention solution in the world.
A perfect record is revered. When it comes to sports, undefeated teams are put on a pedestal and rightly so. Finding a cybersecurity solution with a perfect record is unheard of, an enigma, a unicorn, well almost.
How is this possible?
CloudCover’s gen-AI platform is engineered as an automated extended threat detection prevention Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) solution performing precise threat prevention at microsecond response speeds within network.
The underlying risk aware, risk control capability operates as an AI/ML “precise mathematic model” (PMM) performing agentless packet inspection of network egress-ingress traffic automatically performing threat prevention by neutralizing malware with near zero false positive accuracy.
CloudCover is the world’s first cybersecurity AI-centric Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) solution that operates as a real time risk analytic scored and rated, “active risk control” XDR/SASE threat prevention platform. CloudCover’s CyberSafety Platform records all network IT “security risk” events incrementally onto a patented policy-based blockchain utilizing a patented risk underwriting method that performs active risk scoring, risk rating and threat control within a millisecond.
CloudCover CyberSafety Platform™
Firewall Everywhere™
AI/ML Zero-Trust SASE Proven
AI/ML SASE Active Risk Control Threat Management Platform™
Real-time Active Risk Score
AI/ML Threat Prevention
Firewall Everywhere™
Agnostic Orchestration
$1MM Ransomware Warranty
We provide the security industry’s first $1 Million USD Ransomware Warranty guaranteed by CloudCover, backed by CloudCover represents an AI-insured Firewall Everywhere™.